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Got your admits? Do THIS next...

admits bank account guide health insurance housing how to shortlist sim card student loans study abroad study in america university visa visa interview May 04, 2023
What to do after getting admits

Congrats! You've received your admits to your dream universities in America! This is an exciting time for you as you prepare for your studies in a new country.

However, once you have been accepted, there are several steps that you need to take to ensure that your transition to studying in the US is seamless. From securing student loans to finding housing accommodations, opening a US bank account, and obtaining health insurance, there are many details that you need to work through before you leave your home country.

Now, there’s no need to stress or worry. There are so many resources available to you. I want to make this process easy. My friends at Foreign Admits are a one-stop solution for all your study abroad needs. With Foreign Admits, you are just one click away from all the services you need to study abroad.

Here is a step-by-step guide on what you need to do after you receive your admits as well as how Foreign Admits can help you every step of the way.

Before you read any further, create a free account with Foreign Admits and check out all the resources available to you.

👉 Got your admits? Here is a step-by-step guide of what’s next.


When shortlisting, there are a lot of things to consider - location, program offerings, cost, living expenses, and more. The problem is that most students think about shortlisting the wrong way. So that you know how to go about this process the right way, check out our recent blog titled, “Debunking 4 Myths About Shortlisting Admits.”


To prepare for your visa interview, you need to ensure that you have all the required documents, such as your acceptance letter, financial support documents, and proof of ties to your home country. You should also practice answering interview questions and familiarize yourself with the interview process. Foreign Admits can help you prepare for your visa interview by offering mock visa interviews. These practice interviews can help you gain confidence and provide you with feedback on your answers.


Financing education in the US can be a challenge, but there are options available to help you pay for your studies. Foreign Admits can help you with the student loan application process by providing guidance on the types of loans available, the application process, and finding the best loan options for your specific situation. By working with Foreign Admits, you can have access to expert advice and assistance throughout the loan application process.


Finding suitable housing accommodations is crucial for you when studying abroad. Whether staying on or off campus, it's important to research each option and consider factors such as location, amenities, and budget. Foreign Admits can help you find your home away from home and navigate the rental process before you arrive.


Requirements for opening an account vary by bank, but generally include proof of identity, such as a passport and proof of address, such as a utility bill. Research and choose a bank that best fits your needs and offers low fees. Foreign Admits can help you by providing guidance on choosing a bank for free and in the minimum possible time.


There are various mobile phone plans and providers to choose from, each with its own set of benefits and costs. Foreign Admits can help you find the best plan and provider for your needs, such as data usage, international calls, and coverage in specific areas.


With your US bank account, you can transfer money to and from your home country. Foreign Admits can help you choose a transfer method that is both secure and affordable, as fees can add up quickly. Transfer foreign currency easily and efficiently, ensuring that you have the funds you need for your studies in the US.


Health insurance is a requirement for all international students in the US, and you don't want to be caught without coverage in case of an emergency. Foreign Admits will help you navigate the often-confusing world of health insurance and find a plan that fits your needs and budget so you can focus on your studies and not stress about your health coverage.

Check out these videos for your post-admit process:

👉 US College Post Admit Procedures With Parth Vijayvergiya​

👉 How To Transfer Money Abroad (Cheap, Fast & Easy Forex Wire Transfer)​

👉 What To Do Next After You Get Your College Admit For Study Abroad

Still haven’t decided on your admit? Watch our latest video on college admit myths!

Studying abroad in the US can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but can also be overwhelming, especially with the endless details and tasks to navigate. Chai and Coaching is here to help you navigate these tasks so that they can be made easy and stress-free. I hope to connect you to the best resources like Foreign Admits for all your study abroad needs. It will help you save a ton of time and effort.

I can’t wait to help you in your journey in America!